Applications & Industries

Gas Flow Measuring, Controlling and Mixing: Optimize your Flow Application

Präzise Flammensteuerung mit hochpräzisen dgitalen Massedurchflussreglern (MFC) für Gase

Flame Control

High precision

Short reaction time

High reproducibility

Flexible mixtures

Our MFCs deliver
constant Flames!

Maintenance-free &
cost-effective gas

Local Touch Display

Integrated Totalizer

Easy install &
instant measuring!

Well suited to a wide range of applications, the red-y for gasflow line of thermal mass flow meters and controllers will significantly optimize and simplify your process.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or help with your application. Our mass flow specialists will find a solution for you.

coating technology optimized by thermal mass flow meters and controllers

Coating Technology

Precise measurement and stable regulation of behaviour are important if the quality of coatings is to be maintained at a high level.

Vögtlin’s thermal mass flow rate regulators permit both master-slave mixtures (a master gas to which a specified proportion of an additional gas is added) and gas mixtures with fixed percentage proportions.

Your Benefits:

  • Accurate and fast regulation
  • High repeatability
  • High turndown ratio
  • Calibration with the actual gas
  • High savings possible with mixed gases
  • Independent of temperature and pressure
  • Easy maintaining and servicing

precision flame control with digital mass flow controllers from Vögtlin

Flame Control

The most important precondition of constant quality in flame control is that the gas mixture or proportioning is stable.
The fast regulation and high precision of Vögtlin’s thermal mass flow controllers – controlled and monitored through a PC or PLC – is highly impressive. The reproducibility of production processes soon pays off.

Your Benefits:

  • Fast regulation
  • Very short reaction times
  • High precision
  • Flexible mixtures
  • Easy operation through PC or PLC
  • High reproducibility

High-precision mass flow meters and mass flow controllers for biotechnology

Biotechnology – Bio Reactors

Bio reactors can be used for very critical and delicate processes where mass flow controllers need to be reliable, repeatable and flexible. It does not matter if you use perfusion, sparging, immersed silicone tubing for your oxygenation, the amount of dissolved oxygen need to be carefully controlled to get a perfect and repeatable pH control.

Your fermentation gases like CO and H2 quantities strongly influence you mass transfer coefficient and there is no better way than to precisely control your gas flows with the mass flow controllers from the mass flow specialist Vogtlin. With dynamic ranges of over 100:1 (application dependent), up to 10 different programmed gases in every flow meter and a strong valve that can handle a wide range of inlet and outlet pressures flexibility is guaranteed.

Most likely you already have a Vogtlin device in your purchased reactor since Vogtlin is the supplier to most bigger reactor system manufacturers. We be very happy to demonstrate that you get a better process with mass flow controllers than with the traditional variable area meter with a manual valve. Beside the better control you now have the ability to automate the process and record the gas flow electronically for future reference.(Digital communication and all kind of programming examples available like VB, C++, Labview or ready to use data collection programs)

We have simple stand-alone solutions for table top systems or IP67 (NEMA6) and ATEX certified units that can be in a lab that needs to regularly washed down with high pressure waterjet cleaners.

» Read the complete Applications Spotlight
» How can you upgrade your Gas Flow Control?

Vogtlin’s digital Mass Flow Meters (MFM) and Mass Flow Controllers (MFC) provide Optimizations for numerous Applications:

How can we support you? Contact a mass flow expert to find a solution for your application!

Vogtlin Mass Flow Meters (MFM) and Mass Flow Controllers (MFC) are established in various Markets & Industries:

  • Analysis – Chromatography
  • Biotechnology
  • Building Technology
  • Energy – Fuel Cell, Natural Gas
  • Environmental
  • Food Industry
  • Glass/Precision Glass Forming
  • Laboratory – Research & Development
  • Life Science
  • Metal Production – Steel (Emission Measurement), Aluminum
  • Pharma
  • Process Industry – Apparatus Engineering, Plant Engineering, Chemistry, Glass Production
  • Semiconductor Industry
  • Surface Technology

How can we support you? Contact a mass flow expert to find a solution for your application!

Download OEM Application Stories

329-2032_de_appMeasuring.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow MeasuringApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2034_de_appControlling.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow ControllingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2035_de_appMixing.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow MixingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2037_de_appLocal.pdfApplication Spotlight Local Gas Consumption MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2040_de_appCentral.pdfApplication Spotlight Centralized Gas Consumption MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2042_de_appLeak.pdfApplication Spotlight Leak MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2043_de_appFlamectrl.pdfApplication Spotlight Flame ControlApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2045_de_appAtmosphere.pdfApplication Spotlight Control of Gas AtmosphereApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2067_de_02supply.pdfApplication Spotlight Control of O2 SupplyApplication SpotlightsDE
329-2104_en_appbiotechnology.pdfApplication Spotlight Bio ReactorsApplication SpotlightsEN
329-2106_en_appgassampling.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas SamplingApplication SpotlightsEN
329-3063_de_applowgas.pdfApplication Spotlight Low Emission Glass Manufacturing (Low-E)Application SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3065_de_appicecream.pdfApplication Spotlight Air Flow Control in Ice Cream ManufacturingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3067_de_appspraydrying.pdfApplication Spotlight Digital Gas Flow Control for Spray DryersApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3071_de_appairsampler.pdfApplication Spotlight Air Sampler VerificationApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3075_de-appglassmanufacturing.pdfApplication Spotlight Pharmaceutical Vial ProductionApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3077_de_apppartsinspection.pdfApplication Spotlight Blowholes InspectionApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
vi-pharma-leaflet-de.pdfApplication Flyer Pharmaceutical IndustryApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE